Back up and restoration of your database files


If you are using Smart Pix to its full potential and have catalogued all your files, then there is now significant value held in the Smart Pix database files.  To lose these files either by accidental deletion, hard drive failure or file corruption would be too painful to think about.  Consequently it is important that you regularly back up your files.


There are two options:

Advantages: Small back up file that can be imported by various applications

Disadvantages: Does not back up file stored within the database if you are using DB File Storage


Advantages: Faster to back up



The two methods are described below.



Backing Up to a Text File


Backing up your files to a text file is a simple one-click process, simply select Database>Import and Export>Backup DB to File


This will export your database to a text file which can easily be imported back into Smart Pix or other applications.


You can also automate this process using a scheduler by calling Smart Pix with the parameter /BACKUP


E.g. "C:\Program Files\Smart Pix Manager\smartpix.exe" /BACKUP


Which will instruct Smart Pix to write a back up file and then exit.



Full Back Up of Database Files


Alternatively you can back up all of your key Smart Pix files.  On a regular basis, weekly or monthly depending how often you use Smart Pix, you will want to copy these files to another drive, or incorporate them into your regular backup plan.  You can use the Manage database dialog to copy your database to another drive for back up.



The data files of importance are:


Database files:


















Favorites Lists:




If you need to restore from back up:


Note: If you get an error when loading your DB files it is likely that they have become corrupted, such as by a Windows crash, in this case you probably can fix them by using the rebuild utility on our support page at


1.  Close Smart Pix

2.  Move all the above files from the folder of the database you are currently using to a temp folder

3.  Copy your back up files into the folder

4.  Re-run Smart Pix



